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(The Sun Apparatus theatre company, Kelmė Cultural Center, Lithuania)

We invite you on a metaphorical journey to the Garbagge Island. On this journey, garbagge is something that tells stories both about our external and inner worlds, as well as addresses the real environmental problems of the modern world. We invite you to look at trash as a metaphor for the contencts inside us that we struggle to let go, resolve or accept.

„Rubbish“ is a collaborative theatre piece and installation by The Sun Apparatus theatre company. In this work we explore the topic of rubbish/garbage/trash both in literal and metaphorical manner. Having our backgrounds in dance, directing, biology, singing and playwriting, we collectively speak through physical theatre, comedy and mixed media. Recycling and hope, World pollution and inner cleanliness, Meaning attributed to things and people, Workings of memory and value of art – these are the main questions/problems addressed in this project. // Short summary: Talila embarks on a trip to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, hoping to put her feet on the Garbagge Island, as she calls it… just to find out that the Island as such doesn’t exist. Do we have such Garbagge Islands in our memory?

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